Amiga Kickstart 1.3 ROM-Wack

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Amiga Kickstart 1.3 ROM-Wack

The ROM-Wack interface (which you get to by pressing the right mouse button at any Guru Meditation error), is available on the Amiga's serial port at 9600, 8-N-1.

A basic concept is that there is a single memory pointer (called 'MP' in the following documentation) that acts as the base address for almost all commands.

On entry, MP == PC.

XXXXXX          # Set MP to XXXXXX
:XX             # Set default dump length
<               # Decrement MP by the default dump length, then dump
>               # Dump memory at MP, and increment MP by the default dump length
.               # Alias for '>'

alter           # Edit memory at MP

boot            # Reboot the Amiga

findSymbolName  # Display instructions at 'SymbolName'

go              # Start execution from MP
resume          # Start from the trapped instruction