Amiga Icon Formats
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Dirk St�cker <> 17th February 2002 Format description of Amiga Icon Format. This format is used by Amiga computers to display icons for each program or project you want to access from the graphical user interface Workbench. There are 3 different formats. 1) The OS1.x/OS2.x icons. 2) The NewIcon icon extension. 3) The OS3.5 icon extension. A note about the used data descriptors. All elements are in Motorola byte order (highest byte first): APTR - a memory pointer (usually this gets a boolean meaning on disk) BYTE - a single byte -128..127 UBYTE - an unsigned byte 0..255 WORD - a signed 16 bit value -32768..32767 UWORD - an unsigned 16 bit value 0..65535 LONG - a signed 32 bit value -2147483648..2147483647 ULONG - a unsigned 32 bit value 0..4294967295 There are lots of elements marked with ???. These are usually filled with values, which have no effect at all. Thus they can normally be ignored. For some values the usual contents is described. ****************************** ***** OS1.x/OS2.x format ***** ****************************** The OS1.x/OS2.x format is mainly an storage of the in-memory structures on disk. This means there is many crap in that format, which may have undefined values. This text tries to show which values are important and which not. 0x00 UWORD ic_Magic always 0xE310 0x00 UWORD ic_Version always 1 0x04 struct Gadget (described below) 0x30 UBYTE ic_Type 1 DISK a disk 2 DRAWER a directory 3 TOOL a program 4 PROJECT a project file with defined program to start 5 GARBAGE the trashcan 6 DEVICE should never appear 7 KICK a kickstart disk 8 APPICON should never appear 0x31 UBYTE ic_Pad <undefined> 0x32 APTR ic_DefaultTool <boolean> 0x36 APTR ic_ToolTypes <boolean> 0x3A LONG ic_CurrentX X position of icon in drawer/on WorkBench 0x3E LONG ic_CurrentY Y position of icon in drawer/on WorkBench 0x42 APTR ic_DrawerData <boolean> 0x46 APTR ic_ToolWindow <boolean> 0x4A LONG ic_StackSize the stack size for program execution (values < 4096 mean 4096 is used) This is followed by certain other data structures: struct DrawerData if ic_DrawerData is not zero (see below) struct Image first image struct Image second image if ga_SelectRender not zero (see below) in gadget structure DefaultTool text if ic_DefaultTool not zero (format see below) ToolTypes texts if ic_ToolTypes not zero (format see below) ToolWindow text if ic_ToolWindow not zero (format see below) this is an extension, which was never implemented struct DrawerData2 if ic_DrawerData is not zero and ga_UserData is 1 (see below) Now a description of the sub-formats: a) The text storage method (DefaultTool, ToolWindow and ToolTypes): 0x00 ULONG tx_Size the size of tx_Text including zero byte (tx_Zero) 0x04 ... tx_Text the plain text .... UBYTE tx_Zero the finishing zero byte This means the text "Hallo" will be encoded as \00\00\00\06Hallo\00. As ToolTypes are an array of texts the encoding is preceeded by another ULONG value containing the number of entries. But to make parsing more interessting it is not the number as one would expect, but the number of entries increased by one and multiplied by 4. Thus 10 entries will have 44 as count. b) The Gadget structure: 0x00 APTR ga_Next <undefined> always 0 0x04 WORD ga_LeftEdge unused ??? 0x06 WORD ga_TopEdge unused ??? 0x08 WORD ga_Width the width of the gadget 0x0A WORD ga_Height the height of the gadget 0x0C UWORD ga_Flags gadget flags bit 2 always set (image 1 is an image ;-) bit 1 if set, we use 2 image-mode bit 0 if set we use backfill mode, else complement mode complement mode: gadget colors are inverted backfill mode: like complement, but region outside (color 0) of image is not inverted As you see, it makes no sense having bit 0 and 1 set. 0x0E UWORD ga_Activation <undefined> 0x10 UWORD ga_GadgetType <undefined> 0x12 APTR ga_GadgetRender <boolean> unused??? always true 0x16 APTR ga_SelectRender <boolean> (true if second image present) 0x1A APTR ga_GadgetText <undefined> always 0 ??? 0x1E LONG ga_MutualExclude <undefined> 0x22 APTR ga_SpecialInfo <undefined> 0x26 UWORD ga_GadgetID <undefined> 0x28 APTR ga_UserData lower 8 bits: 0 for old, 1 for icons >= OS2.x upper 24 bits: undefined c) The DrawerData structure: This structure is useful for drawers and disks (but there are some icons of other types, which still have these obsolete entries). 0x00 struct NewWindow (see below) 0x30 LONG dd_CurrentX the current X position of the drawer window contents (this is the relative offset of the drawer drawmap) 0x34 LONG dd_CurrentY the current Y position of the drawer window contents d) The NewWindow structure used by DrawerData: 0x00 WORD nw_LeftEdge left edge distance of window 0x02 WORD nw_TopEdge top edge distance of widndow 0x04 WORD nw_Width the width of the window (outer width) 0x06 WORD nw_Height the height of the window (outer height) 0x08 UBYTE nw_DetailPen always 255 ??? 0x09 UBYTE nw_BlockPen always 255 ??? 0x0A ULONG nw_IDCMPFlags <undefined> 0x0E ULONG nw_Flags <undefined> 0x12 APTR nw_FirstGadget <undefined> 0x16 APTR nw_CheckMark <undefined> 0x1A APTR nw_Title <undefined> 0x1E APTR nw_Screen <undefined> 0x22 APTR nw_BitMap <undefined> 0x26 WORD nw_MinWidth <undefined> often 94, minimum window width 0x28 WORD nw_MinHeight <undefined> often 65, minimum window height 0x2A UWORD nw_MaxWidth <undefined> often 0xFFFF, maximum window width 0x2C UWORD nw_MaxHeight <undefined> often 0xFFFF, maximum window width 0x2E UWORD nw_Type <undefined> e) The DrawerData2 structure for OS2.x drawers: 0x00 ULONG dd_Flags flags for drawer display value 0 handle viewmode like parent drawer current setting (OS1.x compatibility mode) bit 0 view icons bit 1 view all files (bit 0 maybe set or unset with this) 0x04 UWORD dd_ViewModes viewmodes of drawer display value 0 show icons (OS1.x compatibility mode) value 1 show icons value 2 show sorted by name value 3 show sorted by date value 4 show sorted by size value 5 show sorted by type f) And now the last element, the Image structure: 0x00 WORD im_LeftEdge always 0 ??? 0x00 WORD im_TopEdge always 0 ??? 0x04 WORD im_Width the width of the image 0x06 WORD im_Height the height of the image 0x08 WORD im_Depth the image bitmap depth 0x0A APTR im_ImageData <boolean> always true ??? 0x0E UBYTE im_PlanePick foreground color register index 0x0F UBYTE im_PlaneOnOff background color register index 0x10 APTR im_Next always 0 ??? This is followed by the image data in planar mode. The width of the image is always rounded to next 16bit boundary. ****************************** ***** NewIcon extension ****** ****************************** As the original format is very limited when using more than the 4 or 8 default colors and also when using different palette sets than the default, there have been ideas how to circumvent this. A Shareware author invented NewIcons format, which uses the ToolTypes to store image data, as expanding the original format very surely would haven broken compatibility. The NewIcons stuff usually starts with following 2 ToolTypes text (text inside of the "" only): " " "*** DON'T EDIT THE FOLLOWING LINES!! ***" Aftwerwards the image data is encoded as ASCII. The lines for first image always start with "IM1=". If present the second image starts with "IM2=". The first line of each image set contains the image information and the palette. Example: "IM1=B}}!'��5(3%;ll����T�S9`�" 0x00 UBYTE ni_Transparency "B" transparency on "C" transparency off 0x01 UBYTE ni_Width image width + 0x21 - "}" means width 92 0x02 UBYTE ni_Height image height + 0x21 - "}" means height 92 0x03 UWORD ni_Colors ASCII coded number of palette entries: entries are: ((buf[3]-0x21)<<6)+(buf[4]-0x21) "!'" means 6 entries Afterwards the encoded palette is stored. Each element has 8 bit and colors are stored in order red, green, blue. The encoded format is described below. The ni_Width and ni_Height maximum values are 93. The maximum color value is theoretically 255. I have seen images with at least 257 stored colors (but less than 256 used). The following lines contain the image data encoded with the same system as the palette. The number of bits used to encode an entry depends of the number of colors (6 colors f.e. need 3 bit). The lines have maximum 127 bytes including the "IM1=" or "IM2=" header. Thus including the zero byte, the string will be 128 byte. En/Decoding algorithm: Each byte encodes 7bit (except the RLE bytes) Bytes 0x20 to 0x6F represent 7bit value 0x00 to 0x4F Bytes 0xA1 to 0xD0 represent 7bit value 0x50 to 0x7F Bytes 0xD1 to 0xFF are RLE bytes: 0xD1 represents 1*7 zero bits, 0xD2 represents 2*7 zero bits and the last value 0xFF represents 47*7 zero bits. Opposite to the original icon format, the NewIcons format uses chunky modus to store the image data. The encoding for images and palette stops at the string boundary (127 bytes) with buffer flush (and adding pad bits) and is restarted with next line. ****************************** ****** OS3.5 extension ******* ****************************** The OS3.5 format introduces nearly the same information as in NewIcons, but in a more usable format. The tooltypes are no longer misused, but a new data block is appended at the end of the icon file. This data block is in IFF format. It consists of the standard header 0x00 UBYTE[4] ic_Header set to "FORM" 0x04 ULONG ic_Size size [excluding the first 8 bytes!] 0x08 UBYTE[4] ic_Identifier set to "ICON" Now Chunks of different data follow. Each chunk consists of 8 header bytes and the data bytes. If the size in header is uneven, then it is automatically paddind with 1 byte at the end. Currently 3 chunks are used with following data. Note that IFF generally allows expansion and chunk reordering, so do not rely on any current size information or chunk order, but skip unknown data based on the size information stored in file. 1) 0x00 UBYTE[4] fc_Header set to "FACE" 0x04 ULONG fc_Size size [excluding the first 8 bytes!] 0x08 UBYTE fc_Width icon width subtracted by 1 0x09 UBYTE fc_Height icon height subtracted by 1 0x0A UBYTE fc_Flags flags bit 0 icon is frameless 0x0B UBYTE fc_Aspect image aspect ratio: upper 4 bits x aspect lower 4 bits y aspect 0x0C UWORD fc_MaxPalBytes maximum number of bytes used in image palettes subtracted by 1 (i.e. if palette 1 has 17 and palette 2 has 45 entries, then this is 45) 2) Now 2 chunks of this type may come, where first chunk is image 1 and second chunk is image 2. 0x00 UBYTE[4] im_Header set to "IMAG" 0x04 ULONG im_Size size [excluding the first 8 bytes!] 0x08 UBYTE im_Transparent number of the transparent color 0x09 UBYTE im_NumColors number of colors subtracted by 1 0x0A UBYTE im_Flags bit 0 there exists a transparent color bit 1 a palette data is attached (NOTE, that first image always needs palette data, whereas the second one can reuse the first palette.) 0x0B UBYTE im_ImageFormat storage format of image data value 0 uncompressed value 1 run-length compressed 0x0C UBYTE im_PalFormat storage format of palette data (same as above) 0x0D UBYTE im_Depth the number of bits used to store a pixel 0x0E UWORD im_ImageSize number of bytes used to store image (subtracted by 1) 0x10 UWORD im_PalSize number of bytes used to store palette (subtracted by 1) 0x12 UBYTE[...] the image data .... UBYTE[...] the palette data (if existing) Now about the run-length compression. This is equal to the run-length method in IFF-ILBM format: The input data is seen as a bit-stream, where each entry has im_Depth bits for image or 8 bits for palette. First comes an 8 bit RLE block with following meaning: 0x00 .. 0x7F copy the next n entries as they are, where n is "RLE-value"+1 0x80 ignore this, do nothing 0x81 .. 0xFF produce the next entry n times, where n is 256-"RLE-value"+1 (if using signed chars n is "RLE-value"+1) In uncompressed mode, each byte represents one pixel (even if lower depth is used). ********************************